GPS triggered challenges, photo and video challenges at great locations.
Go Team is an app-based treasure hunt-themed team building activity for 10 or more participants. After being split into teams, delegates are asked to follow a set of directions, instructions and arrows, each one guiding them to a different location. Upon arrival, each team is presented with a GPS triggered challenge which they must complete to move onto the next destination. The GPS team challenges are presented in a variety of different formats including pictures, clues and questions, testing a variety of skills and pushing participants to work as a unit. Each team’s score is updated in real-time to maintain motivation and with the help of an event manager who monitors their progress, participants also have a chance of unlocking bonus missions which contribute to their point total.
The broad variety of activities within Go Team is one of its greatest strengths, ensuring that participants of all abilities can take part and thrive. Additionally, the flexibility of the Go Team app allows it to take place in almost any location or terrain type whether you’re based in a city centre, vast woodland or picturesque lake. Through location-based technology, each team can be presented with GPS triggered challenges that are equal distances apart without being along the same route, maintaining fairness and safety whilst giving every delegate a unique team building experience.
Go Team is built upon a foundation of teamwork, communication and problem solving. Each of the GPS challenges demands that delegates work together, discuss their options and make educated, unified decisions. Through these team challenges, this outdoor team building activity is incredibly effective at developing trust between co-workers, bolstering interpersonal relationships and improving productivity in the workplace.
Through healthy competition and a focus on group success, Go Team encourages each participant to freely express their ideas, opinion and strengths. Not only does this build trust between colleagues but it improves confidence too, making staff more likely to speak up when presented with challenges within the normal working environment. By presenting these lessons on a gamified platform that encourages creativity, this corporate team building game unifies those taking part and builds long-lasting working relationships.
Additionally, alongside the interpersonal benefits, each of the GPS triggered challenges also test general problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. With immediate feedback based on their efforts, each delegate is pushed to develop their approach to problems on the fly, eventually achieving success through educated decision-making and iterative learning. It’s this experience-driven education that leaves a lasting impression on attendees and can be easily translated into the workplace.
Participants of the Go Team adventures in Sigulda returned in a very good mood and pleased by the very well-prepared, thoughtfully arranged event. Everyone was able to choose how much they want to walk and how many things they want to see from Sigulda. Everyone was filled with positive emotions, satisfied with event organization and very well-spent day.
Delegates from Asia on a Dubai Tourism Study Mission use Go Team to explore Dubai.